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Day 9: Flower Power

This queen among flowers does not get he recognition she deserves. Who says while driving down the road, "oh look at those tomato flowers in front of that house!" Nope. We glance at them and give...

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Day 7: Where In The World?

I could have named this one, "Where's Waldo?" but that didn't quite seem right. This is just one of our stops on our adventure today. I have a lot more photos from today that I will publish....

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Day 6: The Rose

Is there any other flower that has a more pleasing scent than the rose? No. Not in my opinion. Sure there are others that can compete for top nose, like the lilac...now there is aromatic miracle....

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Day 5: River Walk

Nearly every day I walk along the Ogden and/or Weber River. This is one of my favorite spots to watch it. Both rivers has finally started to return to normal. At it's height just a few weeks ago...

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Day 4: Seeing Things

Do you ever anthropomorphize? Gesundheit! Thank you.Yes. Of course you do. And I do too. Look at this clearly surprised face that I captured in pixels today. However, I will try to avoid the face...

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Day 2: 533,088 Tiny Switches

Todays image is an homage to the 8-bit computers of yester-year (or yester-yester-yester-year). The Commodore 64 had 64K of RAM (random access memory). That's the memory that can be used to store...

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Day 1: In Like A Dragon

Day 1: In Like a Dragon Today JJR and I are starting a 720. "What is a 720" you might be asking? Well, apparently, you came to the right place then didn't you! It's like a 365 but easier and...

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