
Showing all posts tagged 720:

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Day 7: Where In The World?

I could have named this one, "Where's Waldo?" but that didn't quite seem right. This is just one of our stops on our adventure today. I have a lot more photos from today that I will publish....

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Day 6: The Rose

Is there any other flower that has a more pleasing scent than the rose? No. Not in my opinion. Sure there are others that can compete for top nose, like the lilac...now there is aromatic miracle....

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Day 5: River Walk

Nearly every day I walk along the Ogden and/or Weber River. This is one of my favorite spots to watch it. Both rivers has finally started to return to normal. At it's height just a few weeks ago...

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Day 2: 533,088 Tiny Switches

Todays image is an homage to the 8-bit computers of yester-year (or yester-yester-yester-year). The Commodore 64 had 64K of RAM (random access memory). That's the memory that can be used to store...

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Day 1: In Like A Dragon

Day 1: In Like a Dragon Today JJR and I are starting a 720. "What is a 720" you might be asking? Well, apparently, you came to the right place then didn't you! It's like a 365 but easier and...

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